Renters Must Agree to the Following Requirements, Rules and Regulations.

1. 100% of the Rental and Security deposit to be paid on the day of reservation. In case of Cancellation of the event, 20% will be withheld if cancellation more than 24 hours and 50% will be withheld if cancellation is within 24 hours of event (Exception to this rule would be weather or emergency related cancellation if board approves it). Security deposit will be returned within a week.

2. Renter will use only the multipurpose hall, bathrooms attached to it and the Kitchen, Prayer hall upstairs are only for the purpose of prayers and should not be used.

3. Access to the multipurpose hall should be from the doors downstairs, and parking lot next to the hall should be primarily used
4. The Masjid is strictly for praying and for conducting approved religious activities. Food & drinks can only be consumed in the multi-purpose hall.

5. Renter will be responsible for any damages to the facility and/or equipment. Your security deposit may be forfeited for any of the following rental agreement violations.

a) If the facility is left untidy/dirty and trash is not removed from the premises, 

b) If the kitchen is left untidy/dirty and food and trash is not removed from the kitchen and placed in the parking lot dumpster

c) If the party stays beyond the ending time stated on the facility rental application, or

d) Physical damage occurs to the property (markings on the walls, broken items, walls, the ceramic or carpet, etc.) ICN reserve the right to seek from renter the cost of repairs/replacement in the event that the security deposit fails to cover such.

6. ICN will not be liable for any personal and/or property damage Occurring to anyone on ICN premises, due to snow, slippery conditions or any other mishap/accident. ICN will not be responsible For any lost or stolen items/articles on ICN premises/compound.

7. Renter (i.e., the person filling out the reservation from) must maintain and ensure an orderly activity during the time that the facilities are being used. This responsibility includes the usage of the restrooms, Masjid grounds and the parking lot. The renter must designate on the application, the name of an alternate person (if any), who will be onsite at the conclusion of the event, to ensure that the facility is properly cleaned.

8. The use of the kitchen is included in the multi-purpose hall rental. The Stove and microwave are to be used for warming food only, and not for cooking purposes. Food, drinks and other leftovers must be removed from the kitchen/hall at the end of the event. Additional Equipment cannot be brought in for cooking. No utensils in the kitchen may be taken away.

9. Renter will bring their own supplies; ICN will not be responsible to provide any items. Renter must make arrangements for loading/unloading of food/drinks items and hall set up. ICN personnel will not be available for such work.

10. The Renter agrees to indemnify the ICN and hold harmless its agents and board of directors from and against any and all losses, costs, claims or demands in respect to any injuries, including death, losses or damages to any property belonging to the renter that may occur during the duration of this rental.

11. No wall and/or Ceiling decorations shall be allowed except Qurani Aaya or Islamic/Muslim decorations and

12. The ICN is a non-smoking facility. No smoking is allowed inside the property.

13. Under no circumstances is any type of alcoholic beverage or illegal or recreational drugs are allowed on the ICN premises. Discovery of any of these mentioned items shall be the grounds for immediate termination of this agreement and cancellation of the event without any refund. ICN also adheres to the obligation of reporting any and all illegal behavior to the responsible authorities.

14. Music, dancing, singing is not allowed on the ICN premises, any such activity will result in cancellation of agreement and expulsion of the renter from the premises.